Blood Test Service

Blood Pressure Check

More and more people are becoming proactive about their health.
There is no better way for you to check for underlying health problems, or monitor existing conditions, than with a blood test.
From our state-of-the-art laboratory partner in London, we offer the latest in pathology testing solutions across many disciplines, including biochemistry, immunology, haematology, sexual health screening and molecular biology.
Whether people are concerned about their health, simply curious, or managing an existing condition, blood tests are the best way for them to start taking charge of their health.


The quickest and best way to get a blood test is to provide the sample via phlebotomy, which allows for larger sample volumes, quicker turnaround times and less chance of the sample being clotted or haemolysed. The larger volume also means that a much greater range of testing can be done than is possible with a finger prick (capillary) sample. For example, our most popular tests, the Well Woman/Man Premier Profiles need a venous blood sample, as there are about 45 different tests in the profiles.
Having a sample taken in our Pharmacy also ensures that our network of couriers are able to get your sample directly to the laboratory on the same day ensuring that you will get their results and doctors report in most instances the following day.


You will receive a comprehensive doctor’s report by email with the result of every test and how they compare with standard reference ranges. All test results are reviewed by our in-house GPs who comment on any abnormal result, highlighting anything that may need further investigation or follow- up.
We run a 24/7 laboratory operation and commence processing all samples as soon as they arrive at our partner laboratory in central London; thereby ensuring that all reports are sent out to you asap.
Our Well Man/Woman test costs £189, this includes phlebotomy, sample analysis and a doctors report.
We also do a whole host of other tests, please call us on 01372 466116 or email us on to discuss further and book your appointment with our in house phlebotomist.